A walk around my neighborhood before the sense of newness fades away

I have lived in Taiwan for nearly 8 years at the time of this post. During most of this time, I lived in the same place, in contrast to many foreigners and locals, who are moving from place to place more frequently. Throughout the years, I became quite familiar with most alleys, stores, and parks of my neighborhood. I even became friends with some store owners.
However, a series of events in the first half of 2022 made me take the decision to start looking for a new place. After arduous work trying to find a suitable new home, I found one located in the southern area of Taipei City, same as my last. Although this new house is not nearly as convenient as the former one, I traded that for something that is very hard to find in Taipei: tranquility.
Once all the relocation was over, I realized that the neighborhood is not only quiet and peaceful, but old (this as a compliment) and picturesque as well. The adjacent hill also gives this area a greener backcloth. It did not take too long for me to start framing scenes of the everyday life around my new home in my head. That is how, one sunny morning, my photographic instinct pushed me to take my camera and a few lenses with me, and go out to take some photos. Here below is the result of that.
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